If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to your credit card hold from Dollar Car Rental until you get your bill and see the charge. If you’re wondering what to do about it, you’re not alone.
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First, it’s important to understand what a credit card hold is and why Dollar Car Rental places one on your account. A credit card hold is an authorization hold that temporarily reduces the available credit on your card. Holds are placed when you rent a car to ensure that you have the funds available to cover the cost of the rental, as well as any additional charges that may occur, such as for gasoline or damages.
Dollar Car Rental typically removes the hold within a few days after you return the car, but it can take longer if there are any issues with the rental, such as damage to the car or if you didn’t return it with a full tank of gas. If you’re still seeing the hold on your account after a week or so, you can contact Dollar Car Rental to inquire about it.
In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to minimize the impact of the hold on your credit card account. First, if you have another credit card with available credit, you can use that card for new purchases until the hold is released. This will help keep your account balanced and avoid over-the-limit fees.
You can also contact your credit card issuer to let them know about the hold and ask them to temporarily increase your credit limit. This will give you more available credit to work with until the hold is released. Just be sure to increase your limit back to its normal level once the hold is gone to avoid paying interest on any new purchases you make.
If you’re stuck with a large credit card hold from Dollar Car Rental, don’t panic. There are a few things you can do to minimize the impact on your account. With a little bit of planning, you can weather the hold and avoid any costly fees or interest charges.