If you’re looking for a new credit card, you might want to steer clear of Capital One. The company offers a wide range of cards, but not all of them are worth your time. In fact, some of the worst credit cards out there come from Capital One.
To help you avoid the worst of the worst, we’ve compiled a list of the worst Capital One credit cards of 2020. These are the cards that you should avoid at all costs, whether you’re looking for a new card or you’re a current Capital One customer.
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Capital One Platinum Credit Card
The Capital One Platinum Credit Card is one of the worst cards on the market. It has a high APR, no rewards, and a host of other fees that make it difficult to use.
Capital One Secured Credit Card
The Capital One Secured Credit Card is another card that you should avoid. It has a high APR and requires a security deposit, making it difficult to use.
Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is a bad choice for rewards credit cards. It has a low rewards rate and a high annual fee, making it difficult to earn rewards.
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card is a bad choice for cash back credit cards. It has a low rewards rate and a high annual fee, making it difficult to earn cash back.
Capital One Spark Cash for Business
The Capital One Spark Cash for Business is a bad choice for business credit cards. It has a high annual fee and a low rewards rate, making it difficult to earn rewards.
These are the worst Capital One credit cards of 2020. If you’re looking for a new card, you should avoid these cards and look for a better option.