As far as responsive web design is concerned, testing is one of the most crucial aspects of this truly complicated process. It’s not just about writing the code and figuring out the layout and the design, but you also have to be adamant in your strive for perfection by constantly testing the product again and again and looking for flaws in what is otherwise a perfect symphony of mathematical precision.
Indeed, the process is difficult, but there are lots of tools to help you along the way in this inexorable march towards a flawless product. It is in the irrevocable nature of the responsive web design that you have to always be on your guard and not let your guard down even for a second. Otherwise, mistakes might be made that will put your whole project in jeopardy. Fear not, though, as I will present you with some of the most useful weapons to combat those dire eventualities and forever detriment the rise defects and imperfection in your work. If perfection is what you’re after, then you will definitely need some of these tools.
The invaluable companion to anyone who is searching for anomalies in one’s design, Respondr is a pretty small and easy to use tool. It enables you to check the results of your work through the eyes of various devices without actually having to own those devices. Have you got the dimensions right? Are the pictures displayed properly? Is the site loading with a regular speed? Answer these questions and more with the help of this little gem. Just paste the URL of the site you want to test and then pick the setting of the device and viola – you’re done! It’s a truly amazing yet unimaginably simple tool, but you know what they say – everything genius is simple.
Viewport Resizer
In a pretty similar fashion like Repondr above, VR enables you to copy and paste the URL of the site you want to test and the settings you want to test it with. This little program has more variety in options, though, as it lets you go from a small smartphone to an HDTV and even though I doubt most people use their 49” plasma to browse the web, when you are after perfection, then you are not allowed to make any compromises, even if it’s a huge improbability that anyone will ever see your site in this manner.
You already know the drill – enter URL, pick dimensions of testing. If you’re already getting a sense of deja vu, you should – you’ve already seen it. But of course you, these tools are similar and have the same functions using the same methods – what did you expect? Still, there are small differences between all of them. In this case, the difference comes from the fact that this tool lets you also use a custom resolution or screen size in order to test it, which is pretty neat if you’re trying to pull something interesting and truly creative.
Guess what this tool does. If your answer is “creating a virtual fly on your screen just to annoy you or scare your girlfriend,” then you haven’t been paying much attention to the article so far. It lets you enter a URL to test a site, choose the dimensions you want to test and also enables you to share a custom link with others to test the site, which is what makes it different from the other programs or applications in here.
Well, you can choose one or more of these to test your site and create something truly beautiful and unique. Good luck!